10 facts about the Brain that you probably didn’t know

Abhishek Munian
2 min readJan 27, 2020

… and how to apply them to your advantage

№1- Our brains cannot multitask. We might think that we are great at multitasking but the truth is our brains only do one thing at a time. If we keep switching between tasks, we risk the attention span, short-term memory and the overall mental performance of the brain.

№2- If you don’t eat enough food, brain cells will eat themselves to prevent starvation! Our brains are as it is energy hoggers. They consume 20% of our daily calorie intake.

№3- The capacity of our brain to store information is limitless.

№4- 70% of our daily thoughts are self-critical and pessimistic in nature.

№5- Nicotine reaches the brain in 7 seconds. No wonder it is the world’s most abused substance!

№6- The brain generates close to 50,000 thoughts a day!

№7- The more we rely on GPS, the more our brains lose the ability to make sense of direction, a skill that took centuries to develop.

№8- Listening to playing music reduces cortisol — the stress hormone.

№9- There is a second brain that resides in the gut. It also happens to be responsible to create the happy molecule, Serotonin.

№10- 95% of all the decisions are taken by the subconscious mind.



Abhishek Munian

An eccentric writer, mostly questioning inner voices and compiling them on paper